Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 24

Today was not a good day. I woke up and got out of bed and as soon as I stepped, I felt a pain in my left knee. I am not sure if I laid on it weird, or if it is something that has just been gradual and it is finally presenting itself, but it's a small but sharp pain on the inside lower part of my left knee. I decided to still go on the run, hoping that it would go away after I warm it up. After about a half mile at a 9:20 pace, the pain was still there and I felt like I was hobbling, so I cit the run short. I've iced it down and also had an ace bandage on it at various times during the day and it is still a little sore, but not much. I think I may need to look into getting some new shoes based on this though. I am an over-pronator and currently run in Nike Air Triax 11s which are stability shoes, but my wear patterns on the shoes still show some very uneven wear, so I will probably buy some motion control shoes to see if they will help. I think that these shoes also are a little narrow which has something to do with the foot pain that I seem to continually get.

My stats today were 0.54 miles in 5:02 for an average pace of 9:20/mile. My average heart rate was 149 bpm.


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