Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 12

Well, today was technically a rest day, but it ended up only being a rest day in terms of not running. I was outside from about 8:30 this morning to about 9:00 this evening doing a mountain of yard work that I have been putting off. I ended up drinking about 80 ounces of Gatorade, 32 ounces of water and 16 ounces of milk, plus I had a huge chicken fajita, turkey sandwich and a slim fast shake this morning. Oh yeah, and Sarah made homemade chocolate chip coconut cookies and I had 2 of those. Even after eating that mountain of calories and drinking all that, I am lighter right now that when I got up this morning. I am going to go watch a movie with my kids and have my feet in a foot bath/massager for about an hour, so hopefully I won't be too sore during my long run tomorrow.


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